sgiew – it’s simplicity itself – instagram challenge
So good in every way – new photo challenge theme “SIMPLICITY”… a word which somehow doesn’t suit being in capital letters does it??
So let’s start that again…
The #sgiew theme this fortnight (actually, make that three weeks in account of the Easter Holidays) is #sgiew_simplicity – as decided upon by this theme’s guest judge and sponsor @ZoePower. (Just go and look at her feed (and follow her, renowned for her beachy landscapes see below) to see why this theme is so HER! and she’s giving away two of her @etsy prints to the winner)
Anyway – back to my photo – let me tell you about this.
So this wall is downstairs ‘out the back’ of my client’s studio, I see it every time I leave there out of hours, it’s the ‘back entrance’ and I often stop to admire it, and sometimes even take photos of it… and its tin bins.
I love how peaceful and ignored this wall is, am I the only one who enjoys its simple decay?
There’s just something so GOOD about it, simply (see what I did there?) corrugated iron, brick walls, cobble stones, and guttering… nice though don’t you think?!
So if you’d like to join in for a chance to win one of Zoe’s prints, oh, TWO of Zoe’s prints of your choice, tag your ‘simple’ photos with #sgiew_simplicity and follow @ZoePower, @sogoodineveryway and your hosts as ever @incredibusy and @redtedart and @willowdaygram who will be looking out for some lovely shots! NOW – don’t forget, it’s all about community, so make sure if you tag, that you spend a few moments clicking through to see/comment/like other people using the #sgiew_simplicity tag over the next three weeks – it’s a good thing to do! Lots of love, Ali x
#mybeautifulsimplicity #stilllifegallery #byarrangement #tablesituation #collectedtreasure #simpleandstill #foreverfaffing #cblbackdrops #tv_stilllife#calmversation #theslowdowncollective #ofquietmoments #slowandsimpledays #urbandecay #littlestoriesofmylife
More links for you to explore:
UPDATE – we have a winner! And eight rather wonderful runners-up, or is that runner-ups??
A good turnout, thank you everyone who joined in, (new theme later tonight, just got to squeeze a run in, and a haircut, and supper) – So – @ZoePower had over 800 photos to choose from!!! So many gorgeous ones, but these nine caught my eye for their simplicity, space and calmness.
From left to right and top to bottom, giving you x14 creative instagrammers to follow:
The winner is the centre shot – @pears39 – please do contact Zoe, about the prize and let her know which two prints you would like for your prize!
Thanks so much for this Ali – I’m REALLY looking forward to this!
cool – we are so delighted to have you as guest judge!!