Template letter to school concerning your child’s absence
created by Ali Clifford, @incredibusy for her 15 year old son.
Copy and paste into an email. (or tap here to open in Word)
GENERIC #FridaysForFuture Template letter to school concerning your child’s
Dear Head Teacher,
My child _____________ has asked me to write to inform you that they are joining the youth strike on Friday.
Inspired by Greta Thunberg – Youth Strikers are asking adults, businesses, teachers, parents, anyone…to join them on their strike to make this stand for climate justice.
I wonder if any of your colleagues would also be interested in joining the #FridaysForFuture action in London {insert town/city}?
Useful resources here https://ukscn.org/?source=igbio and https://globalclimatestrike.net/ to find out more.
We are however aware of our privilege in being able to strike for the day and appreciate not everyone is able to do so, and my child _____________ will catch up with any work that they miss
Best regards
Further: Greta Thunberg and George Monbiot have made a short film on the
climate crisis that you may watch and share here.
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