Spring is an extraordinary time of the year on the Aegean coast. Fancy joining a Creative Retreat in Andros, Greece?
The landscape is lush and verdant, the sea begins to warm up, and a sense of excitement permeates the island as it slowly reawakens after the quiet hibernation of winter.

Last year I met the talented wonder that is Kate Ridyard. I was fortunate enough to join one of her Calligraphy classes at Petersham Nurseries, and I’m delighted to say that we bonded over tales of art school and graphic design and typography and that we’ve become firm friends.
Kate will be hosting one of the creative workshops at Mèlisses, on the Greek island of Andros in April 2025.
The Secret Garden Retreat is organised by Allegra Pomilio – Mèlisses’ founder and art director.
Kate tells us more about the retreat here:
Join me for a collaborative workshop that harmoniously blends three distinct crafts, all inspired by the island’s rich natural tapestry. Allegra tells us that there is truly no better time than this to explore the island of Andros, and I honestly cannot wait to explore it with you.
Stine, the founder of Porcelain Perfumes, will help you to design your own signature scent, gathering inspiration from Andros’ unique landscape and wild vegetation.

Paper Making
Stephanie will guide you through the process of creating uniquely crafted paper from waste, giving it new life and meaning by incorporating fresh elements and natural dyes.
The result will be drying in the Cycladic sun, soaking up in all the Aegean breeze.
Finally, I will introduce you to the art of calligraphy, teaching both modern and traditional techniques, enhanced with watercolour botanical painting and gilding with gold leaf.
All of these creative workshops will be beautifully orchestrated in the most idyllic setting, culminating in a one-of-a-kind art de la table and table scaping class, combining all the arts into one unique sensorial last supper experience.

No experience is required for this creative Secret Garden Retreat. Reserve your place or find out more
Best wishes, Kate x
Follow Kate on instagram @KateRidyardCalligraphy
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