I was really craving beans and greens tonight so a friend sent me an old well-loved recipe she had for a cannellini beans dish, which I’ve made tonight and I’m saving it here as it’s absolutely delicious!

Serves three people, or four as a Beans and Greens one pot supper side dish, I cooked up some sausages for the boys who often complain that there’s not enough protein in their dinner…
you’ll need:
2 tablespoons of olive oil
Half a tin of anchovies in oil
1 tablespoon of yeast flakes
5 large garlic cloves
2 red chillies
3 tins of organic cannellini beans
500ml of stock (I use 2 teaspoons Marigold bouillon)
Large handful of cavolo nero or kale, trim out the woody stems
Juice of two lemons
Heat the olive oil, add the anchovies and yeast flakes and break down with the wooden spoon, add the finely sliced garlic and chillies, stir it all together and soften.
Drain the three tins of beans, and tip into the pan with the garlic and chillies, stir on medium heat for 3 mins, and add the 500ml stock.
Reduce down for 25 minutes on a medium heat, squeeze in the two lemons, add the cavolo nero to wilt.
and eat!
Let me know if you make it – thank you Kathy for the recipe 🙂
updated to add: so the recipe originally came from https://www.instagram.com/nataliechassay who I am now following and lusting after every recipes!

Love beans! Love you! xx
hah thank you Kathy, it’s such a great recipe, really appreciate you sharing the original with me, I’ll definitely be making that again next week x