Clothes Peg Bi-Plane
The cutest crafts can often be made from household bits and pieces – and pegs, dolly pegs, clothes pegs, clothespin – what do you call them? We have a big bag full of wooden pegs, having ditched the nasty broken plastic versions – and they are RIPE for crafting!
Sooooo, check out this nice quick and easy craft for you today…
You will need:
five recycled ice lolly sticks for each plane (that’s a lot of lolly-licking – you CAN buy popsicle sticks in bulk though!)
Pegs – either the classic dolly peg, or the new fangled wooden pegs here (and here if you are in the US) *aff links
Scissors (for cutting the lolly sticks at an angle for the tail)
Cork (and a knife to slice them up into ‘wheels’)
Cocktail stick
The first bi-plane we made used the old fashioned ‘dolly pegs’ or clothes pin, and some lego bricks and wheels… So if you want to go down that route, have a rummage through the lego box for wheels (or you can find them here, or here if you are in the US) *aff links
Now, these were really quick to make, as we used our trusty glue-gun, so super-speedy, so if you’d like to get MORE from this craft, get painting, and adding some stickers maybe?… let’s see your Spitfires!
We had quite a lot of fun trying to photograph the peg planes flying high, in the sky…!
Child said that the lego wheels were ‘cheating’ so we tried a normal clothes peg and sliced a cork into three, creating wheels, using a tooth pick – very satisfying!
If you’d like to see more lolly stick ideas, check out:
Maggy from Red Ted Art who showed us four crafts including her Lollipop traffic light biscuits which are featured in her book.
Another great lolly stick craft here from Craftulate – popsicle sticks and magnets!
And check out Missie Lizzie Liz‘s lolly stick boats.
Do these fly?