Have you ever wondered how easy it is to make a pair of fingerless mittens?
Never mind knitting, you can in fact, make a pair of fingerless mittens from a pair of socks = yes it’s true… keep reading!
Every year it’s estimated around 350,000 tonnes of used clothing goes into landfill. That’s an enormous amount of waste. Think of the energy used to create those clothes, and then the carbon they will produce as they fester in landfill sites. So many mixed fibre garments cannot be recycled. So, even if you have the best of intentions and put clothing into recycling banks, they may never be recycled.
The sock problem.
Socks, in generations gone by socks would have been darned to extend their useful life. They were also made predominantly from natural fibres. Socks would be knitted with wool or even finely woven silk. They were worn either with sock garters, or were tightened at the top with string. They were essential items, with no heating, socks keeping toes warm could make the difference between losing toes from frostbite or not!
Today, socks have elasticated tops, and it is expected that they’re not made of scratchy hard to care for fabrics. The problem is that socks don’t tend to be repaired anymore, they’ve become a disposable item. And, the elasticated tops and comfortable fibres tend to be blended fibres which aren’t recyclable. So, what to do with old – or odd socks?
Used socks can’t be donated to charity shops, and are never going to be recycled. So, the best way to avoid sock waste, is to re-purpose them.
No-Sew Wrist Warmers

Anything no-sew is popular with me, as it is quick and easy to do. Wrist warmers are ideal for the colder months – especially if like me you’re working from home in a draughty kitchen! Keep cosy, but able to keep working too! Grab your old socks, I’ve chosen a pair which are matching but getting a bit threadbare on the heels, and most importantly, the elastic is ‘gone’ so they are frankly beyond repair for me (and driving me mad as they keep falling down!).
Lay your old socks flat, and use a sharp pair of scissors to cut off the toe section – there is usually a seam along the toes which is perfect to cut along. This will become your finger holes
Then look at the heel of the sock, make a snip into the heel section – about 2cm – this will form your thumb hole. Repeat on both socks, and then they’re ready to wear!
They naturally ‘roll back’ over time wearing them, which gives them that ‘meant to be like this’ look – I honestly love wearing my sock-mittens (is that what they are called?!)
This is the sort of repurpose we are looking for over on @sogoodineveryway this week – ✨Join in with this week’s theme ‘Refresh, Repurpose, Recycle’ and use the #sgiew_resolutions tag for your pictures. We hope you have lots of fun showing off your creations,
Big love from me @incredibusy and co-host Janice Issitt x
#sgiew_resolutions ‘refresh repurpose recycle’

Check out and follow @janiceissitt_life_style @incredibusy @sogoodineveryway
And this week’s sponsors @lewesmapstore who are giving us a gorgeous handcrafted wooden butter knives and some hand blended tea, oh and prizes also from @thestitcher, @katecullenstyle and @paperhighuk (see my previous instagram post for prize deets)
To read one of our most popular posts, how to darn socks, a guest post by Bryony from @tickover, click here
Mug featured is an Emma Lacey Everyday mug available here.
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