Calling all Artists for submission to The Anna Steinhouse Award
I am delighted to announce my involvement in the Anna Steinhouse Award project as one of the amazing judging panel; thank you Anna for involving me, for full details, please visit
Anna is a London based artist, and like many of us, recently became aware of artists around the world finding that their incomes drop as sales have vanished, and exhibitions and gallery spaces have closed due to the Covid-19 pandemic. In an attempt to help ease some of this stress Anna has launched the #AnnaSteinhouseAward.

Every week until the end of June 2020, Anna will be offering a cash prize of £200 (via Paypal, Transfer or Cheque) to the winning artist.
Submissions of creative artwork, whether painting, drawings, or sculpture that follow a specific theme. Themes will be announced each Friday starting from Friday the 15th of May 2020.

The Theme for Week One is “Portraiture”, which runs the15th-21st of May 2020.
The deadline for the submission is midnight Thursday the 21st of May 2020.
To enter this instagram based award, you need to follow the following steps:
Step 1
Take a photograph of your artwork (max. one entry is permitted per week)
Step 2
Please Follow and Tag @Anna.Steinhouse on Instagram
Step 3
Add the hashtags #AnnaSteinhouseAward #AS_PortraiturePrize to your artwork on instagram.

Judging panel will announce the winner each Monday. The Judging panel consists of the following members:
Robin Lee Hall Instagram @robinleehall
Paul Benney Instagram:@paulbenneystudios
Anna Steinhouse Instagram: @anna.steinhouse
Paul Vanstone Instagram: @paulvanstonesculpture
Lucille Dweck Instagram: @LucilleDweck
Nelson Ferreira Instagram: @nelsonferreiravisualartist
Ali Clifford Instagram: @incredibusy that’s me!
Ron Best Instagram: @ronaldonealbest
Terms and Conditions If you would like to participate, here are some important things you need to know and agree to: · The Panel of above mentioned Artists will be deciding the winning artist /artwork each week · Accordingly, by submitting your Artworks you irrevocably and unconditionally agree that we: · may use a submitted image your Artworks a on the Social Media (Credited to you) · may identify you by name, your social media name or photo and use these and the Artworks that you submitted in publicity · You must comply with the following: · You must be 18 years old or older; · Your Artworks and/or Videos must be in accordance with the Theme and instructions and sent to us within the timeframe stated; · You confirm that to the best of your knowledge and belief you own and control all the rights in and to the Artwork; · You must not include any third party material in your Artwork unless you have obtained permission from the rights holder for it to be included and for it to be used as set out in these terms; ·You must not include anything defamatory, illegal, infringing, hateful, obscene or offensive in your Artwork.
For questions and PR queries contact myself: or Anna
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