Another wonderful hashtag challenge over on my #sgiew feature instagram account @SoGoodInEveryWay – this month, the theme is #sgiew_home.
We have a guest judge Phillippa at Duvet Hog.
You know the drill – follow @incredibusy @duvethog and @sogoodineveryway and add the tags #sgiew and #sgiew_home to your recent photos x Watch the video!…
UPDATE 4 May 2020
Week 7 of lockdown here in the UK and we have a winner (winners x3)
Guest Judge Phillippa at @DuvetHog has spoken.
Like me [ Ali @incredibusy ] she found it incredibly tough to pick a winner, here’s her shortlist – nine wonderful images, all conveying their creators’ vision of ‘home’ during this LOCKDOWN period in our lives.
Grid of nine
The centre three images were of particular appeal to Phillippa, for various reasons – wall art and chalk graffiti taking her back to her own childhood in Cheshire; and the Mother’s Day post in the centre, for the sheer kindness and neighbourly compassion of making up and leaving these boxes of goodies for neighbours using old @thevegankind boxes their mama has been saving.

So step forward centre stage:
@castawayscotland tree painting. Love the repurposed beer can roof of the bird house, swipe on her photo)
@withloveandresa (neighbourly food parcels)
@thisisjules (rainbow cup)
As all THREE of you have won a duvet!! (please DM @incredibusy with your details)
With big thanks and love to all of you who entered, what a wonderful community we are at #sgiew, special mention also goes to
@maithiliguisetucker – family fancy dress
@thepathunseen – graphic art
@denoffoxes – for the view of bedroom (Plants used as screening as no blinds ?)
@meyouandmagoo – crochet rainbow
@traceyjhunter – garage door art
@michellefd – escaped lockdown in invisible cape and homemade wig
Thank you all, lots of love, and big thanks to this month’s sponsor @DuvetHog – the vegan, eco, recycled duvet of dreams – take care, Ali x
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